Stories of Hope (Mental Wellness)

Choose Hope (The Path To Mental/Physical Victory Over Cancer)

Hope is a treasure. It is the source of light at the end of the tunnel. It is a powerful emotion that gets us through the darkest of times. It is a key that allows passage into a better, positive future. It is the best medicine of all.

The Challenge-

I was diagnosed with metastasic breast cancer in Aug 2020, which means that cancer had spread to other regions in the body, Stage 4. In my case, it was in the liver. What started was a series of tests, treatments, and surgeries that continued throughout 2021. 

A new challenge developed when there was a new tumor found in the sternum bone in mid-2021. Still, I was not discouraged. With the continuous support of family and friends especially my FITTR family, I faced every obstacle head-on. I have been able to weather many storms and fight positively & courageously not only for myself but for my family and especially my children.

Come Jan 2022, I was scheduled for a PET scan and eagerly waited for the results. The result was both positive and negative. It was positive in that the tumor had cleared in all three sites reported earlier, but the bad news was that there was a new site in the right axilla. Unexpected, and unsettling!

Even though I normally don’t have this response, my first question was ‘Why me?!, hasn’t there been enough challenge already!’ After the preliminary tests in a couple of days, I got the answer. The profile of the tumor had changed so I would need chemotherapy now. So how is that the answer to my question, ‘why me’. Because I realized that while undergoing treatment in the last one and a half years, I did not have to face chemotherapy, one of the most daunting challenges in the cancer journey. So how would I be able to encourage/inspire anyone in the future if I don’t know that experience? So, I have embraced this challenge with the same positive spirit and am almost in the last week of it. 

The Challenger

I started my INFS foundation and expert course in Aug 2020. Amidst two surgeries and radiation therapy in 2021, I completed my FTPs and took my expert exam. Failing once didn’t deter me. I prepared again and gave the test again the next month, and this time I cleared it. I was a certified nutrition and fitness consultant in June 2021!

I determined in Jan 2022 to enroll & give my best in TC15 despite the situation, and my efforts bore fruit when I was selected amongst the Top 250 challengers. This gave me the confidence to strive harder in TC 16, challenge my limits, and NOT give in, “Rukna Nahi, Darna Nahin, bas Chalte hi Jaana hai”. I look forward to applying for FITTR coach soon.   

Personal Mottos-

  • To become the best, healthiest version of me. Make the most of each day and enjoy. Be a good role model & inspiration to my children & everyone around me.
  • To become a FITTR coach & focus on mental health awareness.
  • To be a brand ambassador for breast cancer, to impart hope and courage to other women in similar situations.

“Cancer is only going to be a chapter in my life, not the whole story”.

Author: Aarti Sondhi

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