Regular Physical Activity (PA) is considered an essential part of a lifestyle in the promotion of cardiovascular (CV) health [1]. Marathon running has both positive and negative effects on health. On the one hand, marathon training and completion can improve cardiovascular fitness and overall endurance, and the rigorous training regimen in preparing for a marathon can help to strengthen the heart and lungs, increase lung capacity, and improve blood circulation.…
Category: Research Review
Research Review: Potato Protein Isolate Stimulates Muscle Protein Synthesis

Author : Dr. Akshay Alawani, INFS Faculty Head
With this research review we would also like to bring to your attention the importance of “critical evaluation of a study” and how it benefits coaches.
What is this critical thinking? And how does it help one in practice?
…Psychology backed Strategies to set Health Goals
The type of
goals you set, and your coping strategies can affect the chances of achieving
your goals, or of abandoning them. You are already aware of the basics, aka:
- You are more likely to achieve your goal if the reason to do it is intrinsic rather than extrinsic (Koestner, 2002).
Creatine is one of the most popular and widely researched natural supplement. There have been several researches conducted to find the effectiveness and ergogenic usage of creatine especially in sports nutrition.
“Creatine is produced endogenously at an amount of about 1 gram per day, whose synthesis mostly occurs in the liver, kidneys and to some extent in the pancreas. …
Author: Arunava Chatterjee, INFS Expert scholar
The issue of loss in muscle strength and power, mobility, response time to real world conditions and difficulty in performing activities of daily living are some of the important health related issues facing the elderly after age of fifty, which affect both sexes equally.…
Menstrual Cycle Periodization: Training
Sports periodization becomes necessary when we talk about improving athletic performance. Both nutrition and training can be planned systematically in accordance with the desired goal. Training periodization involves the division of a training program into different phases of training, that is, hypertrophy, strength, and power.…
Weightlifting shoes for squats- Beneficial or not so beneficial?
Barbell squats (back) have been one of the most popular exercises. Its popularity is mainly related to increasing muscular strength in the lower body. It is also used for conditioning and for rehabilitation of injuries. But it is also a common phenomenon where athletes get injured (1) directly as a result of squats, especially in the knees and the lower back.…
Resource List for Free Access to Full Text Research Articles
The high subscription fees for Research journals limits their accessibility to only a few. A fitness enthusiast or even an individual practitioner in Fitness and Nutrition cannot afford subscription to prestigious research papers and journals. What many of us don’t know is that many journals allow full text access to their archived articles and some even their latest ones.…