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Cycle Syncing

While men and women may be anatomically similar, physiologically, we witness quite a difference. And while anatomically both men and women can train similarly, physiologically, women do not equal men, so why should women train like men?

In this paper forward, women will be referred to the female population who regularly hit menstruation every month. 

Several researchers from across the globe have concluded that women between the ages of 18 to 40 who participate in regular moderate-intensity exercise experience having to put in varying levels of energy for relatively similar workouts throughout the month. In such scenarios, women tend to push their bodies to their maximum potential not realising that the body is undergoing multiple hormonal changes that affect overall energy levels. 

Adapting, aligning and syncing a female’s nutritional intake and workout program through the four different phases of the menstrual cycle by leveraging the hormonal levels of each phase will help optimise the energy recruited to function and recover. 

Sync, adapt and align your workouts and nutrition through the different phases of your menstrual cycle and leverage the hormonal benefits of each state to optimise energy levels and give your body the support it needs.

Scientifically and medically established, the female body produces sex hormones – oestrogen and progesterone that have a great influence on energy levels, food cravings, moods and tolerance to pain. Females also produce limited amounts of testosterone for normal functioning. The fluctuations of these hormones on a weekly basis, cause differences in energy levels and divide the month into four phases – menstrual, follicular, ovulatory and luteal (each phase lasting approximately 7 days each).

Further on, we will discuss each phase in detail, focusing on what is happening in the body, the training regime, the nutritional focus and additionally, what mindset will help attain a certain sense of homeostasis. 


What’s happening? Training regime Nutritional focus Mindset
Phase 1

Menstrual Phase

Day 1 to 7

Oestrogen and progesterone levels are low causing the endometrium to shed and bleed (the period), accompanied by pain, discomfort and lack of energy. First half – 

Low impact and  intensity regimes like yoga, pilates, walking

Second half – moderate-intensity strength training, muscle activation

Iron – leafy veggies

Antioxidants – berries

Vitamin C – citrus fruits

Zinc – peppers, broccoli

Seeds: flax, pumpkin

Good time to self reflect, set goals and rejuvenate 
Phase 2

Follicular Phase

Day 8 to 14

Oestrogen and progesterone are on the rise, so is energy. High-intensity training including speed and plyometric exercises Light protein – 

Eggs, paneer, pulses

Complex carbs – oats, quinoa 

Seeds: flax, pumpkin

Good time to socialise and to start taking action on tasks that you’ve been procrastinating on 
Phase 3

Ovulatory Phase

Day 15 to 21

Progesterone and testosterone rise while oestrogen peaks. Energy levels increase as well.  Resistance training for strength along with 

low-intensity steady state training like jogs at an easy pace

Fibre – cruciferous veggies

Magnesium – spinach, dark chocolate

Healthy fats – avocados

Complex carbs – oats, quinoa 

Seeds: sunflower, sesame 

Good time to start new challenges and activities 
Phase 4
Luteal Phase Day 22 to 28
Oestrogen and progesterone levels are high – if the egg does not fertilize, the hormone levels begin to drop.
Energy levels are relatively balanced
Moderate intensity impact workouts using body weight or assisted pilates work.

Focus on mobility and flexibility drills 

Increase carb intake – brown rice, buckwheat and root veggies like sweet potato, carrots 

Antioxidants – berries

Magnesium – spinach, dark chocolate, dry fruit 

Seeds: sunflower, sesame

Good time to manage stress and relax 


While individual requirements in terms of exercise and nutrition may vary, a consistently practising cycle syncing for 4-6 months will reflect the energy balance, efficiency, effectivity and optimisation.

Author: Anavi Someshwar


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