Stories of Hope (Mental Wellness)

Mental Wellness

“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in!”
by Leonard Cohen

Pandemic, Pessimism, Problems.

There’s a routine in everyone’s life. So did I have. But that one year i.e. 2020 pandemic, made me question my routine and threw me off track.

The routine I am talking about is of the mental being. The overthinking, to wonder endlessly are you good enough for everyone? or for “the one”. Can I ever be stable financially? Will I achieve my goals? If yes, where do I start from? How do I proceed? These questions always crossed my mind and often created chaos. The pandemic period made it even worst. Where my business of Interior Designing came to a halt. My finances were drying up, and the so-called friends taking advantage to better their life.

I often asked myself how will I ever overcome this? Will my situation get better? Overthinking made me crazy to an extended time that I started feeling suffocated in my own house. That’s when I decided I want to change my life, but how?

I came across the seven days program by Shashank and without wasting a single minute I enrolled in it.

Glorious, Goals, Glowing, and Growing. 

Now one might wonder what changed in 7 days? In December 2020 I met a wonderful mentor Shashank and his guided meditations helped me understand that self-love is the biggest virtue that counters self-doubt. I can achieve desired financial goals by Short/Long term planning with the help of affirmations and visualizations. Memory dump and regular journalling will help me get over my bad experience with people in past.

Meditation opened up my mind and these techniques helped me to tick off many goals. At the start of the year 2021, I bought a new house as I had always desired. I bought a car. My finances are improved. My mind is always at peace, and calm, and this helps me to have a lot of control over my emotions. I let go of things easily. People around me ask, how is it possible to be so happy and content all the time? 

Time and again everyone has complimented my positive vibes. This was only possible by guided meditation & journaling. Meditation sets a very positive frequency of mind and a calm, high-frequency mind helps me to plan a better life with infinite goals, build good habits and set a routine.

As a reflection on last year, I can understand the power of meditation, it has helped me in self-development, achieve peace of mind, and bought happiness over, over-thinking self doubt helplessness, and negativity.

Author: Nilakshi S.

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