Our Diploma toppers never fail to surprise us. May their motivation and dedication become an inspiration to you all, and in this hope, we bring to you yet another story. This story is of a homemaker and a mother of two Suvidhi Jain, who finally started her fitness journey and nailed it too! Let’s hear her story in her own words.
This Is How It All Began!
Hello to all! My name is Suvidhi Jain. I’m a homemaker and a mother of twins. I had always been an active person but I never focused on my nutrition. When I got pregnant with my twins, I gained a whooping 25kgs! Over the years I lost most of the weight but I still carried those excess 10kgs. In 2021, I decided it was high time that I did something about it.
I enrolled under a coach and in a short period of time, I lost 8kgs in 3 months. But, those 3 months were a self-awakening call for me. It gave me a sense of purpose. I finally figured out what I wanted to do with my life. I got so inclined towards the fitness lifestyle that I wanted to learn everything about it.
I decided to take it up as a profession. My coach guided me to take up the diploma course from INFS and that’s how my journey started.
Studying In a Structured and Scheduled Manner Helped
At first, I made long-term as well as short-term goals. My mentors had taught me to make SMART goals, so I followed that approach. I set a deadline to give my basic and core exam. I also kept a buffer in case I could not crack the exam on the first go.
Secondly, I divided the modules into what to cover first and what to follow next. It was important to make a schedule because a lot of lectures overlapped. I mostly attended all live lectures because it helped resolve all queries and the faculty was very knowledgeable. The group sessions also helped me gain a practical perspective on the course. I tried to read about the module parallel with the lectures so that it was fresh in my memory.
Make Time for Your Goals and Never Lose Focus
I was usually busy during the day as my kids were at home due to COVID. I also had household chores to be taken care of so I took out time at night to study. I made mind maps and notes from lectures which made revision easy. I also took all the quizzes and solved the workbook at the end of every module to check how much I have grasped.
I made it a point to study and revise the course at least twice before the exam. I took out time whenever I could. I even remember taking my books on a holiday and studying there as well. I was too determined to clear it. I feel staying focused is the most important. Never lose track of your goals. Setting daily/ weekly reminders is important. Always remember ‘WHY’ you started when you feel lost.
A Few Useful Tricks from The Toppers Hat
Making notes from lectures helped me as it made revision easy. I also made mind maps for theoretical lectures like vitamins and minerals so that I could remember everything by just looking at one paper. The more you revise the stronger the concept gets etched in your mind. Also, setting a timeline for yourself is important otherwise you will end up procrastinating and will never be ready to give the exam.
The End Is Yet Another Beginning!
I’m just getting started. I have started taking clients and it has been a good journey so far. There is a lot to learn and, in this profession, learning never ends. I’m still to undergo my FITTR onboarding process. If that goes well it will be a dream come true.
I hope to create a brand where health is viewed from a holistic perspective. There are just a handful of coaches when compared to the sea of people struggling with health issues.
I hope to do my part as a coach. It is quite fulfilling when you see a struggling client achieve their goal with your guidance. I hope I can keep doing that while carving a name for myself.
Suvidhi’s story is indeed an encouraging one. For more such stories, keep reading our Diploma Topper series blogs and do let us know your views in the comments section below.
Editor: Dr Pooja Nilgar (Content writer and editor)